why the fuck should i go to college

why the fuck should i be spending so mcuh of my free time NOW just so i can go to a good college and have a good time THEN? I still feel like college is just a bull shit way for the stupid annoying educational industry (yes its a industry) to milk the last drop of money from your parents. and especailly so in japan, most colleges are just a place you hang around for 3 years so theyll give you a degree and tell you to fuck off in to the "real world". if education was so important and crucial, why the fuck would you make it so dam expensive? i went to a private school for middle eand high school and im pretty sure im going to college too so that means 10 years of my parents paying 10k a year for me to do absolutely nothing at a gay elitist school. thats 100k if you add it all up. if you include my other siblings funds, thats 300k. so parents chose to throw away 300k instead of using that on themselves. i cant believe that. fuck, if i ever have a child, theyre getting public school education allllll the way. fuck you, im not spending my hard earned money on some stupid whiny baby that i know for sure wont use that optunity to its fullest. ill spend my days driving an air cooled porsche, running over stray cat for fun, what are they going to do? call the cops? i make more than 400k a year, the cops dont care about what you do if youre rich or white. back tp the original topic,at the end of the day its all a way to keep the rich people rich. they give degrees to some stupid jerkoff that was gullible enough to spend their prime years doing absolutely butt shit so they can hire him at their rich elitist gay bussiness and continue on the cycle. its all bull shit. fuck college.

speaking of bull shit education, what the point of making a 4grader study so much? i remeber studying until like 2 am for whatever reason. god i hate my fucking parents. a 4th grader shouldnt even be studying, he should be playing with dog shit outside or something idk. BECAUSE MY PEARENTS NEVER LET ME> FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

this post is about japan so i dont know how you guys do it over in america or where ever but i assume it still sucks ass pretty bad.

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